Alice "Cal"
Fan Projects
Kpop Advertisements
It's actually easy to have your video around the world if you like Kpop.
In a win-win method, korean fansites and ad companies ask fans to submit ad design and have them shown to the world, for free.
In other hand, there's loyal fans who donate to fanbases (real fans who host events) to also rent a spot and advertise their favourite K-idol . Birthdays, milestones, awards and concert tours are some of reasons to do it.

TheGlobal Army Song Project +
Working with The Global Army Song is a dream come true. Ever since Alice started stanning BTS, listening to the songs this project is creating along the years, made her realise that meeting those 7 boys was the best thing that ever happened in her life.
It's so amazing how woldwide fans get together to write, sing, and design a Music Video together for a song that gives the same confort that Bts gives their fans through their music!!
It was an unforgetable experiance for Alice to design and storyboard the MV for them and hopes to stay on the team for many more years WATCH NOW :